Giorgia Valbonesi

Born in Bologna February, 5 1971

Address: Via P.Poggi, 26 San Lazzaro, Bologna, Italy

Phone: +39 051 451319

Mobile: +39 348 5511780

Marital status: unmarried

Occupation: Soprano

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2022: The collaboration in international projects with the Manager Faiza Maamerì, choreographer of the Algiers Oper.

2021 November 17: Palazzo d'Accursio. Chosen as a member of the Commission of the Student Parliament as part of the International History Festival in its 18th edition, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, International Center for History and Heritage-DIPAST.

2019 October 26: Palazzo d'Accursio, Farnese Chapel, Bologna. "The Journey, the Landing: Trust that Cures", round table and concert; speeches by: Magistrate Silvana Arbia, Faiza Maamerì, with musical accompaniment by Giorgia Valbonesi and Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni, as part of the XVI Edition of the International History Festival.

2019 October 25: Municipal Library of the Archiginnasio, Sala dello Stabat Mater, Bologna. Awarding of the "Novi Cives, Builders of Citizenship" International Award to Faiza Maamerì, choreographer of the Algiers Opera; musical accompaniment by Giorgia Valbonesi, as part of the 16th edition of the International History Festival.

2019 September 19: Opera of Algiers. Andalusian Lyric Concert accompanied on the piano by Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni, on the violin by Maestro Abdeldyalil Bendyeddou, by the Choir of the Conservatory of Algiers, and by the dance troupe of the Academy of Dance of Madame Faiza Maamerì on the dance choreographies of Madame Faiza Maamerì, and with the extraordinary singing participation of the Director of the Opera of Algiers Maestro Noureddine Saoudi.

2019 September 15-19: Artistic and Organizational Director together with the choreographer Faiza Maamerì of the Festival of Traditions and Innovations of Mediterranean Cultures in Algiers at its first edition; or an important cultural exchange project between Italy and Algeria, with the participation of Professor Rolando Dondarini (President of the International History Festival in Bologna, Director of the DIPAST History and Heritage Education Center, Professor at the University of Bologna), Professor Beatrice Borghi (Professor of Medieval History at the University of Bologna), and Doctor Silvana Arbia (President of the Silvana Arbia Association and Magistrate) in a series of conferences. The project sees important partners such as: the Italian Embassy in Algiers, the Algiers Opera, Agence Algerienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel.

2018 October 22: Municipal Library of the Archiginnasio, Sala dello Stabat Mater, Bologna, "Il Cibo fa Storia", agri-food heritage and cultural meetings; speeches by professor Andrea Segrè, FICO, Professor Hocine Bouayade, choreographer Faiza Maamerì, the cultural heritage of Algeria between innovation and tradition; musical interventions of the Algerian tradition and Italian lyric tradition by the soprano Giorgia Valbonesi accompanied on the piano by Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni and Algerian musicians Murad Hebab (violin), and Muldi Messai (guitar), Yamin Tiriker (Benjo), as part of the International Festival of  History, XV edition, (The Faces of History).

2018 October 21: Bologna, Grand Hotel Majestic already Baglioni, "Fashion makes History", presentation of the internationally renowned choreographer Faiza Maamerì with performance of the traditional Algerian costumes, and musical interludes by the soprano Giorgia Valbonesi accompanied by Algerian muhicists, Murad Hebab (violin), and Muldi Messai (guitar), Yamin Tiriker (Benjo), Habib Abaidi (derbuka), as part of the International Festival of History, XV edition, (The Faces of History).

2018 October 20: Bologna, Palazzo Grassi, Club of Officers, First Literary Competition organized by the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Bologna, awarding of the winning text of the special guest competition the Magitrato Silvana Arbia, Professor Beatrice Borghi, and Choreographer Faiza Maamerì. Piano and soprano musical intermezzos, as part of the International Festival of History, XV edition, (I Volti della Storia).

2018 October 14: Museum of Arts and Crafts of Pianoro, Bologna, musical interludes within the Conference on the work "Il Trovatore", within the International Festival of History, XV Edition.

2018 July: Algeria-Algiers, collaboration with the internationally renowned choreographer Faiza Maamerì to the project of cultural exchanges to favor the twinning between Algeria and Italy through the cultural associations  "ARTETSCENE" and "OLTREART", which aim to spread by means of demonstrations and artistic-cultural events the traditions and historical heritage of the two countries in all their facets: artistic, literary, culinary and musical. The project stems from the profound desire to create a bridge between the Italian and Algerian cultures through a more in-depth knowledge of the heritage and traditions of the Mediterranean countries in their universal cultural manifestations: music, art, literature, cuisine.

2018 July: elected President of the Cultural Association "OLTREART" for the promotion and creation of cultural events.

2018 April 28: Abbatial Church of the Santissimo Salvatore-Bologna, guided cultural visit and concert for choir, harp, organ and soprano.

2018 February: Algeria-Algiers, start of collaboration with internationally renowned choreographer Faiza Maamerì.

2018 February 12: Ateneo Veneto-Aula Magna, Venice, with the Patronage of the Silvana Arbia Foundation, concert for piano and soprano in favor of the World Day against the use of Child Soldiers

2018 February 10: Villa Manzoni Dogana, Republic of S. Marino, with the Patronage of the State Secretariat of Education and Culture and the Silvana Arbia Foundation, concert for piano, flute, children's choir and soprano in favor of World Day against
use of the Child Soldiers.

2017 November 10: Performance accompanied to the piano by Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni at the conferment of the "Il Portico d'Oro - Jaques Le Goff" International Prize, of the International Center for Didactics of History and Heritage, (DIPAST), to Prof. Jared Diamond, in video conference by the University of California, Los Angeles, as part of the XIV edition of the International Festival of History at the Farnese Chapel of the Palazzo d'Accursio.

2017 October 27: Performance accompanied to the piano by Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni at the conferment of the "Novi Cives" Award, of the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region and of the International Center for Didactics of History and Heritage, (DIPAST), of the 'Education (Giovanni Maria Bertin), University of Bologna, at the Silvana Arbia Magistrate, as part of the XIV edition of the International Festival of History at the library of the Archiginnasio Sala Stabat Mater;

2017 October 14: Musical Interventions in the context of the III Edition of the Literary Prize Luisa Ronconi, inserted as part of the XIV edition of the International Festival of History, to the Club Officers and Palazzo Grassi of Bologna;

2017 September 17: Performance accompanies the piano by Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni at Villa Rusconi for the twenty-year career of the writer Simona Vinci;

2017: Exhibitions and numerous concerts

2016 October 21: Exhibition together with Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni as part of International Award "The Golden portico - Jacques Le Goff", XIII International Festival of History Edition that will be given to Prof. Paolucci, Director of the Vatican Museums;

2016 October 16: Exhibition at the conference and concert "the role of music in education for active citizenship: teaching proposals ..", as part of the International Festival of History in Bologna, thirteenth edition;

2016 October 8: Exhibition together with Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni the Award ceremony of the second edition of the Literary Prize Luisa Ronconi at the Officers' Club of Bologna;

2016 May: Exhibition in the show "Violetta Mon Amour", the Bologna Officers' Club;

2016 May 27: Exhibition in the concert event "The voices and the music of Memory", with the orchestra conducted by A.Impulliti Maesto Michelangelo Pellegrino, in Martyrs' Square in Pianoro Nuovo;

2016 May 19: Presentation at Student Parliament at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna;

2016 February 2: Exhibition in the "Fundraising for the Ramazzini Institute" at the Circle Officers of Bologna;

2015 December: Performance in the show dedicated to "Traviata" by G. Verdi in Romagna;

2015 October 26: Exhibition together with Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni as the winner of the international competition "Sanremo Expo 2015" in an event at the Pavilion at EXPO Milan Qathar; radio interview with DJ Fox Radio Station;

2015 October 23: Exhibition together with Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni the International Award "The Golden Porch" jaques Le Goffe within the international festival of history, sponsored by? University of Bologna and the Italian President at Palazo On accursio , Farnese Chapel, Bologna;

2015 May: Concert in the town of Pisa accompanied by Maestro Giovanni Meozzi, Maestro Andrea Bocelli, together with the tenor Massimo Gentile, after which the M. Meozzi handed me a plate to about singing; annexed to oncerto excellent reviews have been published;

2015 April: Concerto for voice and piano "Women on the Border" with Maestro Carlo Ardizzoni for the association "Culture and art of the eighteenth century" at the Theatre of Villa Mazzacorati;

2015 April: Concerto for voice and piano with Maestro Alessandro Melone in Sanremo;

2015 March: Numerous concerts; Host of the show "Coffee with Vista" on the net 7 Gold;

2015 February: Winner as best interpreter of the International Singing Competition "Sanremo Expo 2015", broadcast and live for the Italian community abroad by RAI International and broadcasters twin to the event, with the presence of many celebrities in which giuriatra Master John Meozzi, Maestro Andrea Bocelli;

2014 December: Concerts in Italy and abroad;

2014 October: Concert for the event "happens only in Bologna", for St. Luke day in favor of the funds for the restoration of Portici;

2014 May: Intervention musical at the Council Hall of Bologna;

2014: Concerts in Italy and abroad;

2013 October: Concert as part of the lecture given by Prof. P. Mioli to celebrate 250 years of the history of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna. Inside the Xa edition of the Festival of History, sponsored by the High patronage of the President G. Napolitano, the University of Bologna and the Italian Ministry of Education;

2013 October: Soloist part of the fashion line Karen Derek at the Officers' Club of Bologna;

2013 May: Musical intervention in the evening of the presentation of the book "On the cathedral of S. Domenico" written by Dr. Beatrice Borghi at the Basilica of S. Domenico, with the presence of Professor Philippe D'Averio and the Director of Vatican Library;

2013 January: Concert in the Gallery of Modern Art "Ca 'Hurdy Gurdy' in Bologna with the choreography of flamenco Teacher Rita Marchesini, Director of Organizational Teatro Manzoni Bologna and Master Anton Berovski the violin;

2012 September, Concert Mass of the Incoronation, W. A. Mozart - Orchestra, Euridice Chorus and Solo Singers, directed by Maestro Pier Paolo Scattolin, Basilica of Santo Stefano Bologna.

2012 June-September: Art Director and solista in concerts for “LOUPS ARTS FESTIVAL 3rd edition”, many other concerts are expected in Italy and abroad.

2012 May: Opera Concert with  Simphonic Orchestra, Euridice Chorus of Bologna directed by Maestro Pier Paolo Scattolin, Manzoni theatre Bologna.

2012 March: Opera Concert with Euridice Chorus of Bologna  directed by Maestro Pier Paolo Scattolin, accompained by Maestro Samuele Rizzi, Europauditorium Theatre of Bologna in occasion of the National Meeting of IPASVI

2012 January: Opera concert at Central Station of Bologna for the memorial of the victims of the bomb outrage, August, 2nd 1980, organized by Mr.Bolognese, president of the association “Caduti della Strage del 2 Agosto del 1980” and of the association “Bologna Eventi”

2011 December: concert “PETITE MESSE SOLENELLE” by G. Rossini with Euridice Chorus of Bologna, the Mezzo soprano Silvia Rottensteiner, accompained on the piano by M° Samuele Rizzi, directed by Maestro Pier Paolo Scattolin, at Santo Stefano's Basilica  in occasion of a fundrising collection for the restauration of the Basilica.

2011 December: Opera Concert at “Teatro degli Illusi” of Bologna sponsored by the municipality of Bologna and the university Alma Mater of Bologna, accompained on the piano by M° Samuele Rizzi, in occasion of a fundrising collection for AIL

2011 September: concert “STABAT MATER” by G. B. Pergolesi at Santo Stefano's Basilica in Bologna with the orchestra “I Musici dell'Accademia”, directed by M° Massimo Donadello and with Mezzo Soprano  Silvia Rottensteiner in occasion of a foundrising collection for the reastauration of the Basilica.

2011 September: concert “SABAT MATER” by G. B. Pergolesi at Monterenzio's Theatre with the orchestra “I Musici dell'Accademia”, directed by M° Massimo Donadello and with Mezzo Soprano  Silvia Rottensteiner

2011 September: opera Concert for the commemoration of the 150 years of the Union of Italy in the central square of Castel San Pietro Terme with Euridice Chorus from Bologna, M° Aurelio Zarrelli, piano and M° Simone Ginnaneschi, flute.

2011 June: Art Director and soloist i for “LOUP ARTS FESTIVAL 2 nd edition”. The Festival celebrates the commemoration of the 150th jubilee of the Union of Italy and was performed  at “Palazzo Loup” in Loiano, where the single currency “Lira” born, and in several other locations, sponsored by Regione Emilia Romagna, Municipality and Province of Bologna, Townships of Castel San Pietro Terme, Loiano, Monghidoro, Monterenzio, Pianoro, San Lazzaro, Monzuno, ”Museo del Risorgimento di Bologna”, “Regia Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna”, Museum of Music of Bologna, Fonoprint Bologna.

2011 May: Opera Concert in Palazzo Gnudi, Bologna, with violinist Anton Beroski, pianist Aurelio Zarelli and Euridice Chorus of Bologna  directed by Maestro Pier Paolo Scattolin.

2011 April: Opera concert at Monterenzio's Theatre.

2011 February: issue of the record “STABAT MATER”, G.B. Pergolesi, recorded in Regia Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna with “I Musici dell'Accademia” directed by M° Massimo Donadello, with Mezzo Soprano Marlene Lichtemberg, pruduction and recording by FONO PRINT Bologna.

2010 June-September: Art Director and soloist for “LOUP ARTS FESTIVAL 2 nd edition”. The Festival celebrates the comemoration of the 150th jubilee of the Union of Italy and was performed  at “Palazzo Loup” in Loiano, where the single currency “Lira”born, sponsored by Regione Emilia Romagna, Municipality and Province of Bologna, Townships of Castel San pietro Terme, Loiano, Monghidoro, Monterenzio, Pianoro, San Lazzaro, Monzuno, “Museo del Risorgimento di Bologna”, “Regia Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna, Museum of Music of Bologna, Fonoprint Bologna.

2010 September: Opera concert “STABAT MATER”, G.B. Pergolesi, recorded in Regia Accademia Filarmonica of Bologna with “I Musici dell'Accademia” directed by M.Massimo Donadello, with Mezzo Soprano Marlene Lichtemberg.

2010 August: several Opera concerts and performances with many guests like “RAVEL ENSAMBLE” directed by M° Matteo Giugliani.

2010 August: Opera and chamber music concert  performed by M° Marys Skuya pianist ad        Art Director of the Opera Theatre of Graz (Austria) and with tenor Leonardo Gramegna.

2010 July: concert for violin, voice and piano of contemporary Arias and opera for AIL association of Bologna for the project “Colore e Sanità”

2010 June: concert with “RAVEL ENSAMBLE” during an itinerant recital in ancient villas of Modena.

2010 May: performed opera arias as special guest for the fashion, music and show event “KAREN DEREK for Africa” for fundrising for African populations.

2009: performed in many opera concerts in Italy and abroad in collaboration with the Art Director of Graz Theatre M° Maris Skuya.

At the present she keeps on studying with the Art Director of Graz Theatre M° Maris Skuya and with M° Vito Maria Brunetti, ex-Director of Bolzano's Consrvatory and Bass of  international reputation.

2008: performances in several concerts in Italy and abroad.

2008 October: kept on her musical studies with M° Luigi Girati, ex-First Horn of the Orchestra of Teatro Comunali Bologna, ex-First Horn of the Orchestra of Ankara's Theatre and membership of the staff of the “Regia Accademia Filarmonica Mozartiana di Bologna”

2008 May: performed with M° Donald Books, Professor at University of Music and Arts of Graz and the Soprano Ines Mitro during concert “Canzonetta sull'aria” played in the “Florentinen Saal” of the Kaiser's palace in Graz (Austria).

2008 January: started her specialization studies with M° Vito Maria Brunetti in Bolzano.

2007 December: deepened her studies with accompanist Maestro Dragan Babich in “Conservatorio Comunale di Bologna”

2007 December: apperance with the duet “Che soave zefferetto” and “ Le Nozze di Figaro”, W. A. Mozart in a documentary of the influence of foreing artists in Graz, screened on national television of Austria.

2007 November: performance with M° Donald Books and Soprano Ines Mitro for a show of artists in Galleria dei Colonna of  Bologna, winning an award in this occasion.

2007 April-September: studied in Milan with M° Bonaldo Giaiotti Bass of international reputation

2007: kept on her studies of musical preparation with Professor Aurelio Zarelli, teacher of solfeggio at Rovigo's conservatory and renown pianist.

Performances in several concerts with Prof. Aurelio Zarelli at piano

Performances in several concerts in Italy and abroad.

2006: performances in several concerts in Italy and abroad.

Kept on her studies of musical preparation with Maestra Fabiana Ciampi

2006 December- 2007 May:  deepened studies with Maestra Marica Rizzo in Pesaro

2006 June: Master class with specialization in scenic art at “Myself” laboratory in Bologna with the director and actor Angelo Amaduzzi.

2006 June: performing in concert sponsored by the Municipality of Faenza.

2006 May: collaboration since today with the Japanese agency ZUSHI ZUSHI CITY KANAGAWA JAPAN ASSOCIATE PRODUCER MISA ANDO.

2006 April: audition with the Art Director of the Graz Theatre Maris Skuya

2006 March: recording of the album “Metafisique” of the composer Francesco Burrai

2006 January: she was praised after the audition with the world renown orchestra director Marco Boni.2005 December: New Year's Eve concert in San Paolo's Church of Nuoro, event wich has a sensational review on the local newspapers and prise from the organizers and reporters present at the event

2005 July: certificate of attendance of MASTER CLASS in specialization of opera singing with

M° Sergio Bertocchi inside the superior course of opera singing kept by Soprano Mirella Freni and M° Nicolaj Ghiauroff at “Centro Universale del Bel Canto CUBEC” in Vignola, Modena

2005 June-December: dedicated herself to the deepening of studies in opera singing with M° Gabriel Gitta Gansel (Austria)

2005 January: concert of chamber music at Regia Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna with M° Paola Molinari.

2004 March: master class dedicated to deepening the study on the Mozart's Opera “Don Giovanni “ at the Accademia Filarmonica with the famous director Franz Katz. At the end of the class the opera was displayed by the students.

2004: several performances in music festivals and opera clubs, in particular Bologna Opera Club.

2004-2006: after the audition she entered Regia Accademia filarmonica of Bologna where she certificated with merit. During and after finishing her studies, performed in several concerts with the other students of the accademy under the guide of M° Sergio Bertocchi, assistent of the Soprano Mirella Freni, and with M° Paola Molinari, pianist of Maria Freni.

2003: Course of Scenic Art, Acting and Diction with Prof. Luisa Vitali.

2002: course of Scenic Art with Prof. Marinella Manicardi at Teatro delle Moline in Bologna.

2001-2003: studied music with M°Luca Saltini, pianist, orchestra and choir director of Modena.

Performing with M° Luca Saltini in several concerts

2001-2002 studied opera singing in Modena with M°Angelo Bertacchi.

2001 May: semifinalist in international contest “Riccardo Zandonai” at Riva del Garda

2001: performed in several concerts.

1999-2001: performed many concerts in Villa Mazzacorati, Bologna for different festivals.

1999-2000: studied opera singing in Treviso with M° Vincenzo Bello.

Performed in many concerts, some in Circolo Lirico of Bologna.

1999 May: performed in the unpublished opera “Carmina Burana and Notre Dame de Paris” in Sasso Marconi's Theatre, Bologna with very good review on the news papers

1998: studied opera singing at “Accademia Arcanto” in Bologna

1996-1998: started studying opera singing with M° Enzo Avanzo, choralist of Teatro Comunale di Bologna.

1992-1996 started her education like soprano singing in the poliphonic choir “Euridice” of Bologna with the direction of M° Pier Paolo Scattolin, ex director of Mantova's conservatory.

Performed as choralist of  poliphonic choir “Euridice” of Bologna in many important festivals in Italy and abroad like “Bologna Sogna”.


2006: “Arie for Japan” Artist & Associate Japan

2007: “Metaphysique per soprano e pianoforte” Quartavia records Italy- cd baby super d- USA

2010: “Arie per soprano e pianoforte”, recorded, produced and distributed by Fonoprint Bologna.

2011: “Sabat Mater di G.B: Pergolesi” with the colaboration of mezzo-soprano Marlene Lichtemberg, the orchestra “I Musici dell'Accademia” directed by M° Massimo Donadello, recorded, produced and distributed by Fonoprint Bologna.